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trademark application Status

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Trademark Application Status: An Intro

Are you in the process of applying for a trademark? Congratulations! But what happens after you submit your application? It’s easy for your application to get lost in the shuffle and impact your business reputation and revenue because your customers won’t trust you. That’s why it’s important to have an active eye on your application status, to make sure your trademark gets registered as soon as possible, In this article, we’ll share with you the right way to check the status of your trademark application and the issues that may delay your business security which is very crucial for every business owner.  so with a guide like this, you now can stay informed and take action when needed. From online tools to working with an attorney, we’ve got you covered, so let’s start.

Understanding Different Stages of Trademark Application

Before we get into the tips for checking the status of your trademark application, let’s first understand the different stages of the application process.

1. **Application Filing:** This is the stage where you submit your trademark application to the Indian trademark registry.

2. **Application Examination:** Once your application is filed, it goes through an examination process by the Trademark Office.

3. **Response: in this stage, you will need to file a response if the examination raises any objections.

4. **Publication:** If your application passes the examining stage, it will be published in the trademark journal. 

4. **Opposition Period:** Your trademark application will be open for a four months opposition period after it is published in the journal. During this time, anyone who believes that your trademark may hurt their business position can file an opposition.

5. **Registration:** If there is no opposition or the opposition is unsuccessful, your trademark application will be registered, and you will receive a registration certificate. you now have a registered trademark!

It’s essential to keep track of your trademark application’s status throughout each stage. This will help you determine if any action is necessary on your part.

How to Check Your Trademark Application Status

Now that you understand the importance of tracking your trademark application status, let’s look at how to do it. There are several ways to check your trademark application status:

  1. **Online: By visiting IP India’s website.
  2. **Mobile App: Install the “Trademark Public Search” mobile app, Open the app, enter the trademark application number or the applicant’s name in the search bar Hit search after filling details and you will be able to see the results.
  3. **Trademark Helpline: Dial the Trademark Helpline number at 1800-111-001 or +91 9854020728. the executive will assist you properly.
  4. **Email inquiry: email to, or Include the trademark application number or other relevant details in the email. this may take a little time.
  5. **Attorney: If you work with an experienced trademark attorney, they will help you track the status of your application and provide guidance on any necessary actions.

We have highly experienced trademark attorneys waiting for you, to ensure you a smooth trademark registration.


Benefits of monitoring Your Trademark Application Status

Firstly, it helps you to stay informed about the progress of your application. Secondly, it allows you to take action if there are any issues with your application. And finally, it ensures that you don’t miss any important deadlines that could result in your application being rejected. providing you with the opportunity to take corrective action before it’s too late.

The issues that may delay your registration

  1. **Trademark Infringement: If your trademark is too similar to an existing trademark.
  2. **Incomplete Application: If your application is incomplete or contains errors, it may be rejected or delayed.
  3. **Improper Identification of Goods and Services: Your trademark application must clearly identify the goods and services associated with your trademark.
  4. **Opposition:** As mentioned earlier, if someone opposes your trademark application during the opposition period, it can delay the registration process.

By being aware of these common issues, you can take steps to avoid them and ensure that your trademark application is processed quickly.

What to Do If Your Trademark Application Is Rejected

If your trademark got rejected don’t worry so much, here are the steps you can take to fix it.

1. **Consult with an Attorney: An experienced trademark attorney can help you understand why your application was rejected and also will guide you on what to do next.

2. **Go through the rejection letter properly: The trademark registry in India will provide specific reasons for the rejection of trademarks.

3. **Appeal: Depending on the reasons for rejection, you may have the option to either amend your application or file an appeal.

4. **Response within time: You should respond to the order within the timeframe mentioned by the trademark registry, if not acted upon it before the specified timeframe may result in the abandonment of your application.


In conclusion, checking the status of your trademark application is important by staying up-to-date with your application status, you can address any potential issues before they become major problems. Whether you choose to use online tools, work with an attorney, or a combination of both, make sure to check your application status regularly. With these practices and resources, you can stay informed and protect your brand for years to come.